this is what we want and what many pilots are looking for and cannot find. to fly easily and safely, to take a break from the stress that surrounds us every day. to unpack, to buckle up and simply take off. only those who do not need to worry can really enjoy. but the limitless freedom requires optimally coordinated and reliable technology. that is why we are constantly working on innovative solutions and new ideas for maximum safety and carefree flights.
in doing so we like to fall back on old tried and tested, but also go our own way, to folow our philosophy. our range of high-quality and technically excellent products is constantly expanding. we provide solutions that offer both optically and functionally high degrees of perfection. we are driven by our customers, our friends. pilots who think like us, because only those who realize the needs of the base can know their claims!
because simple is simply simpler!
Rediscover the fun and experience of motor flying. Our new concepts convince with their lightness, functionality and pure performance.
take off easily and just fly! with a simplify reflex glider you are guaranteed to have the perfect partner for every requirement.
The middle class for all pilots up to about 95 kg body weight. It is powered by engines that develop a dynamic thrust.
Despite the minimal weight from 11kg, our XT Easy is still a full-fledged paratrike! Paratrik can not be simpler!
The simplify X3 covers the upper weight class with pilots with a thrust of more than 70kg and is recommended from 85 kg pilot weight or for small wings.
The best thing about the simplify-ppg Paramotortrike XT ONE is: "It comes in the standard version with many, many details and options, ready to fly".